Another great Christmas Gift!!
The Gas/Water Meter Guard uses the Faraday cage technology and the efficient material to block RF waves. Utilizing a Nickel/Cobalt coated fiber, the Gas and Water Meter Guard blocks over 98% of the RF emitting from smart gas and water meters. This dense, Nickel/Cobalt material is capable of blocking RF at an average of 80 dB across a wide frequency range, higher than any other material. The pure metal material is very corrosion resistant and will withstand the harshest weather conditions.
From a physics stand point a Faraday cage does not allow the high frequency electro magnetic waves to pass through the parallel lines of the copper material due to the field effect whether it is grounded or not.
Does the Gas/Water Meter Guard fit your gas or water smart meter? Gas and water smart meters are manufactured in many different shapes and sizes. The Gas Meter Guard is 9 x 7 x 4 1/2 inches and is meant to cover the clear or grey plastic box mounted on the metal gas meter housing and is designed to adjust to fit almost all sizes of gas and water smart meters. That clear or grey box, sometimes mounted on a wall, is the RF transmitter.
If your smart water meter has a wire that goes to a box mounted on the wall then that is the RF transmitter and that's what the Water Meter Guard needs to be wrapped around.
The Gas/Water Meter Guard is simple and easy to install and will last a long time.