We are Your “EMF Experts” Shielding and protecting you from the EMF Emitted by Smart Meters

Our products are proven to protect you and your loved ones from EMF radiation.

Smart Meter EMF
Radiation Blocked

A solutions so simple your grandmother can install it and start protecting today.

WiFi Router EMF Protection
and Shielding Products

Blocks 85% to 90% of the EMF WiFi routers emit.

EMF shield for
your phone

Simple and easy to use product that fits right in your pocket.

The Smart Meter Guard Blocks over 98% of the EMF Smart Meters Emit for Superior EMF Protection

This dense, copper material is capable of blocking RF at an average of 80 dB across a wide frequency range, higher than any other material.

We Are Your EMF Experts

Our products are proven to protect you and your loved ones from EMF radiation.

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What Makes our Products Superior for EMF Protection?


Fully tested and proven to block 98% to 99% of the EMF emissions with real data!


We have been in the industry for over 20 years and we were the inventors of the Smart Meter Guard.


High grade 316 stainless steel meshing for support and strength. Made in the USA.

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Wifi Router Guard
Regular price $89.95 Sale price
$68.95 Save $21.00

EMF Protection Products Testimonials

See what other our saying...

I installed the Smart Meter Guard & the Router Guard as soon as they arrived. My husband and I both woke up the next morning without a head ache! We also only woke up once during the night and were both able to fall back asleep. So far our nights have been much more restful with uninterrupted sleep. Thank you so much for this excellent product!!! ... and fast delivery too!

You guys are providing such an incredible service to people's health and maybe even their lives. I honestly didn't know if this guard would work. But I was desperate. I can't believe the quick improvement and I am so grateful. Thank you! And I will try to convince anyone who will listen to me to get a guard.

Two years back I bought two router guards and have tested them with my emf meters and they work great!

I highly recommend the Smart Meter Guard because I do notice a difference in the quality of my sleep and I have only taken care of one of the smart meters, namely the electric one. Most importantly, I have received excellent support from Karl who has answered all my questions via email plus he is helping me out construct a guard to cover my gas smart meter.

I can literally feel the difference in my house. I am not as tired. I sleep better. My mood is better. Only problem is, I don't like to leave the house because every place else feels crappy! Wow! Thank you! I am sharing your information with others!